I am currently translating the ruleset to german, so me and my little brother can play with his friends. Right now i have translated about 160 pages and just stoped at the DM section. They do not have to know that stuff. Is there a way for me to reach out to the developers and share with them my work so they can maybe use it and publish this great game in german too?
I am currently translating the ruleset to german, so me and my little brother can play with his friends.
I am currently translating the ruleset to german, so me and my little brother can play with his friends.
I think the guys who made the game might be around here somewhere… Sage LaTorra don’t you have their email address?
Hmmm, not that I can find, Adam Koebel. I thought you had it.
Well heck, maybe they’ll comment on this post.
Perhaps try to get in contact with a german publisher like Uhrwerk Verlag ?
Adilos Cantürk that’s quite an impressive amount of work.
Hey Adilos Cantürk, Don’t listen to Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel, just get in touch with Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet, they might be able to help.
I made this game but I can’t help you because I can’t read
Interessante Sache.
Thanks for the advice, y all
. Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet will receive my message soon.
Don’t actually message those guys. Sage and I wrote the game. Our email is gm@dungeon-world.com
People are just messing with you, us included
Adult illiteracy is not something to mess around about
Oh, there is a great need for a sarcasm font on the internet.
Well then Adam Koebel are you just messing with me again or is it really you and Sage who i should talk about a german Version of DungeonWorld?
You actually don’t have to talk to us about anything. You can do with the text what you will, so long as we (sage and I) are credited. The text is licensed under Creative Commons. Go crazy.
I figured if the authors of the game are messing with you, I’m allowed – nay, invited – to do so as well.
Adilos Cantürk there are quite a few german speaking people in this group. I think that they could be interested in your project.
I have no idea what you are talking about. David Reichgeld, do you know anyone?
This thread is so cruel.
What you are doing Adilos Cantürk is actually pretty great. Please don’t be discouraged. There is a great need for a german translation and you are doing good work.
Germans joking and jokes about german. The end is near.
Ok, I will switch back to serious mode again
Adilos Cantürk :
At the moment i know of translation projects for DW, none finished. If e fiddle something together we could check how much is missing and try to get to 100%. If we have a nice translation, chances are high we could get one of the german publishers to make a shiny printed german edition, folloing the footsteps of the other non-english versions. Get in contact with me, if you are interested in something like this
Adam Koebel You started it. Adilos Cantürk I’m a German speaking native English speaker, so if you really get going, I could maybe help check the translation.
Totaly interested in joining forces. I would love to have an additional week to check my work for silly mistakes before sharing my process. On the other hand – my brain is on autocorrect while reading my own translation. What would you suggest? Freiwillige vor!
Matt Balara how should we start this? Could i send you the pdf privately so you have a look? Dont want everybody to see all my stupid mistakes.
Now that you have sorted out the misdirection and gotten down to the business of translation, I’ll just say that as a former employee of a translation agency, I’m amused by the idea of a game translation that goes far beyond the scope of accurate translation, becoming its own poetic application of a new language to existing mechanics. I’m not wishing this on you guys! But in the spirit in which Over the Edge listed many different words for yes, giving each culture’s spin on that simple word, a Dungeon World character would make an amusing template for the joke.
Very poetic Rob Heinsoo. Indeed i had a few problems with some words. For example the thief perk – Underdog – i couldn´t come up with a good german word that catches the spirit quite as good. So it stayed underdog. I am very lucky that the german language is very used to have english words in it without sounding strange. It would help to have other germans read my process and give suggestions how to improve it. My brain kinda autocorrects my mistakes and my bad punktuation.
But i feel it. there will be people who join my cause and help me finish this.