Rookie looking to get into a dungeon worlds campaign, gmt timezone
i hope this is the right space to post this, im new to google+
Rookie looking to get into a dungeon worlds campaign, gmt timezone
Rookie looking to get into a dungeon worlds campaign, gmt timezone
i hope this is the right space to post this, im new to google+
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You might not find a lot of campaigns but theres a lot of one-shots.
Hi, I’m in GMT+1 Zone and would also look for a DW game. We should gang up.
I’ve pretty much gotten my Fridays free in the GMT area and really looking to be a player so very interested if its going to be on that day but can maybe do other days.
I could handle basically every day – preferrably in the evening as I have kids.
I suppose we would need one additional person. Maybe I have someone in my close environment who would be interested.
The question is, who would be GMing. Although I have watched some “in-game” videos and read the book I have never played myself.
Most intruiging. And I too might have a +1, so technically we’d already have enough people for a game of powerful ambitions and poor impulse control.
well, noone has volunteerd to GM tough…
Well I am GMing a lot IRL so I would appreciate playing. But of course before we don’t play at all…
Yeah im gming current games and would like to be a player unfortunately
In theory, *world games should themselves more or less. I could look into it, but I’ll require a little more time to wrap up some other business first.
OK let me get this straight:
As attendees we have: Sebastian Kreis, James Day, Manuel Warum (+1) and me.
Volunteering to DM would be Manny and me.
I will be on a business trip next week and I’ll try to give the DW book another look. So I propose we should hook up the week after and see who will be DMing.
BTW: can we somehow change this conversation into a private one? I suck with G+
I don’t think you can transfer this conversation per se, but you can always just start a hangout with all the participants.
David Jatropulus, as for the GM part of the book, no need to hurry there. It is explicitly recommended not to do a whole lot of prep for the first session but rather just let things unfold and see which way everything is headed (with a slight emphasis on the “ask questions” part and a very strong emphasis on “the one thing you absolutely can’t bring to the table is a planned storyline or plot”). The proceedings of the first session should dictate how future sessions should go.