David Guyll has mentioned that I have been working on a Pirate playbook for Dungeon World.
I feel it has been hashed out enough, and is now ready for comments, criticisms, suggestions, etc.
If you’re up for this let me know and I’ll add you to the doc.
Totally curious about your version!
I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing what it’s all about.
I’m quite curious as well!
I would enjoy seeing what you have envisioned
Curious & happy to give feedback and/or testing.
Sure, I’ll take a look
Please add me, would like to have a look and give feedback
Yarr. I’m in.
I’d love to read it and give you feedback.
I am totally curious
(I may also have done a few Piratey themed things myself…)
I am looking for more feedback on it again. Here is the latest version after lots of feedback:
This looks like a lot of fun to play! Nicely done.
Thanks Alex Barrett. I appreciate the feedback.