Hi guys. Pretty late to the party here, but the game is amazing. If I was interested in procuring a hardcover copy of the book still what would be the best way to go about that?
Hi guys.
Hi guys.
Hi guys.
Hi guys. Pretty late to the party here, but the game is amazing. If I was interested in procuring a hardcover copy of the book still what would be the best way to go about that?
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The hardcover edition of the book was limited to 700 copies and available only to Kickstarter backers!
I believe there were also some copies that FLGSes could get via the Kickstarter? Because that’s where I found mine.
Andy Hauge yes, there were a handful of retailers who bought in at the Merchant Prince level and got a bunch of hardcovers. There may yet be unclaimed treasure in the world!
Indiana Jones and the Dungeon World Hardcover!
Print versions of games usually check amazon is where I look then the game company site & drivethrurpg if any print on demand available.
Or you could get a custom hardbound cover by thatbookguy