At the school where I teach, I facilitate Ludi Fabularum, a story game club. I have nine students who participate, divided into two groups who meet on alternating Thursdays.
Today I met with four 5th graders to play Dungeon World. We ended up with a rookie adventuring party made up of Alderist, an elf bard; Longor, a human fighter; Aragorn, a human paladin; and Throndir, an elf ranger (with a wolf animal companion).
The adventure started with the four heroes leaving civilization behind to seek fortune and glory in wilder lands. Along the way, their ship was caught in a tempest and torn apart by wind and waves.
The players’ first move was a roll to see how many choices of gear they managed to salvage. As a result, when the party came to rest in the Shallow Sea (which, unknown to the heroes, is to where the storm magically transported them).
With a minimum of equipment, the heroes battled giant lampreys, and then Undertook a Perilous Journey to find land. The session ended with the party reaching a small island, down to their last day’s worth of rations, and ambushed by frogmen that their scout failed to notice.
I love these snippets.
I was searching for a better name than “tabletop gaming club” for the club I’m starting at my school next year. Mind if I steal yours?
As long as I get a share of the royalties, that’s fine, Kirby Bridges.
Thanks! I’ll be sure to send those massive cheques your way
By the way, what do you teach?
5th grade self-contained classroom, so everything except PE, music, and art.
Ah, cool. I’m 10th World Lit and have tons of students who I’ve introduced to story games who want a club. Plus your name makes me look cool in front of the Latin teacher, so that’s a plus :p
Latin is indeed cool. I teach Latin, but not so much this year as the previous two. As we add a high school, I’m wheedling my way into becoming the philosophy department so I can teach something that there isn’t a state-mandated test for. ::)
Do you mind if I also steal your club name for the high school gaming club I am starting. If this keeps going, maybe you can make it a national club, and rake in all the dues!
Go for it.