I’ve lost over 22 lbs. since I started playing Dungeon World a mere 8 sessions and 2 1/2 months ago.

I’ve lost over 22 lbs. since I started playing Dungeon World a mere 8 sessions and 2 1/2 months ago.

I’ve lost over 22 lbs. since I started playing Dungeon World a mere 8 sessions and 2 1/2 months ago.

Thanks Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel. 🙂

6 thoughts on “I’ve lost over 22 lbs. since I started playing Dungeon World a mere 8 sessions and 2 1/2 months ago.”

  1. I must be doing something wrong.  DW is having the opposite affect on me!  Damn you Sage LaTorra  and Adam Koebel !  But seriously, congrats Joachim Erdtman.

  2. Nicely done, though for me games like Dungeon World, Eclipse Phase & Call of Cthulhu have helped me lose weight in the number of game books carried around all 3 systems only need really the core book & maybe 1-2 others so it’s nice to have expansive systems without needing tons of books to play it.

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