I’m running my first game of DW, and I’ve unfortunately only been able to find one player.

I’m running my first game of DW, and I’ve unfortunately only been able to find one player.

I’m running my first game of DW, and I’ve unfortunately only been able to find one player. I’ve read both DW and AW twice, and I’ve GM’D before, but never for a solo campaign. Any DW-specific tips/resources you could give me?

9 thoughts on “I’m running my first game of DW, and I’ve unfortunately only been able to find one player.”

  1. Everyone always says DW works fine for solos since it scales really well on the fly, but I’ve never run a solo game myself.

    I realize that’s not the most helpful comment 🙂 reply here with what you find out!

  2. Vinney Cavallo I’ll definitely report back on my experience. My first temptation has been to combine two classes, so the PC has more ways to approach problems, but my gut says it’s a bad idea.

  3. Don’t worry! I’ve run plenty of solo games, and there’s nothing specific to DW for that. In fact it probably scales down easier than any other RPG.

  4. No need to modify anything. Main thing is you won’t use Bonds so XP gets lost there, but that’s not a big deal. Hirelings can help but aren’t necessary.

  5. J.T. Seusoff Then I think I will give him multiclass dabbler for free, since he’s kind of a hermit druid, and this is the first RPG he has ever played. I was planning on giving him bonds with NPCs, so it’s nice to know that was a good idea. Thanks for the help!

  6. Yeah, I wouldn’t go further than multiclass dabbler if you’re both just learning the ropes. You can totally give him bonds with NPCs, but without other players to share the rolls with a solo player tends to level up a lot faster anyway. Don’t forget about hirelings too, they’re there to do the things your PC can’t. I’ve run plenty of games with one player, and they’ve gone great. Have fun!

  7. I wouldn’t even bother with multi-classing. A new player has enough on their mind, and most classes offer a way to get some multi-class moves anyhow.

    I’m running a 1-on-1 game myself, for Ajax the Fighter, and the one dimensional aspect has never once hit us.

    Once you get accustomed to running Dungeon World and then decipher Fronts and make your first Adventure and Campaign front, you will be golden.

    For me it took about 4 sessions to really get comfortable running the game off the cuff, and understand how Fronts fit into this framework and what they provide you as a GM.

    The pay off is huge.

    I should hopefully be posting my two GM Study Guides for the game in a day or two, they helped me master how to run Dungeon World.

  8. Joe Banner Thanks! I’m thinking of running one of your adventures, about the undead minotaurs in Altia, so I just wanted to say thanks! Any thoughts on running that adventure with a solo druid and some hirelings?

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