Quick question to PDF-buying folks: I’m doing a 50-page print compendium for my monthly DW Patreon PDFs, which is now (I think) submitted to DTRPG and awaiting review, posting of proofs etc. (Exciting!)
In the meantime: what interest, if any, is there in releasing the same compendium digitally? In other words, would you pay for the convenience of one big PDF instead of going to my site and downloading them all separately for free?
Micro-payments are your way to go. Paying a dollar won’t be a problem if the buyer knows what they are getting. It will not make you rich but it most likely will not hurt you either.
Lauri Maijala That’s cool, that’s not unlike what I’m doing currently with Patreon. My pledgers (very kindly) support my PDFs – typically around a dollar per pdf – which I then release for free on my website for all to enjoy. I’ve not got any inclination to change that setup, but several people have expressed an interest in also seeing a print collection (which is on it’s way now, fingers crossed.)
Since the file will have to go to DTRPG anyway, I could totally offer it as a bonus PDF if there’s interest. If not, meh – I might release it anyway, cos like I say, no extra work really.