Kicking around an idea for Megingjörð, Thor’s strength enhancing belt, for a quasi-norse campaign I’m running.

Kicking around an idea for Megingjörð, Thor’s strength enhancing belt, for a quasi-norse campaign I’m running.

Kicking around an idea for Megingjörð, Thor’s strength enhancing belt, for a quasi-norse campaign I’m running. Any, far wiser, folks see where I can make improvements?


Megingjörð [2 weight]

When first worn, Megingjörð has 1d4+1 charges. *you may spend a charge at any time, 1 for 1, to: perform one feat of immense strength, like throwing a horse-cart over the horizon, or diverting the course of a river with your bare hands.

When you dip Megingjörð into the blood of a freshly slain Jötunn, add +1 charge. 

7 thoughts on “Kicking around an idea for Megingjörð, Thor’s strength enhancing belt, for a quasi-norse campaign I’m running.”

  1. Adam Koebel I’m just going to (1) edit that right out of the choice list and (2) +1 your reply for ‘most fascinating new planar realm of the week.’ 

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