That’s is what remains after a session
(Empty beer bottles, chock-full ashtray, junk food and any illegal stuff already removed).
That’s is what remains after a session
That’s is what remains after a session
(Empty beer bottles, chock-full ashtray, junk food and any illegal stuff already removed).
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Is that a gun?!
Hum…well, yes. Sometimes things get a little tense..
You make a hard move, motherfucker! I dare you! I dare you twice! Make just another hard move!!
(also, a napoli bus ticket, beneath the gun)
Nikitas Thlimmenos you got detective’s eyes! I’m glad I cleaned up a little before taking the picture ;)
Why would you have a gun at the gaming table?
(it’s probably fake, mind you. In Italy we’re not used to carry real firearms around… yes, we’re odd like that)
Ah, okay. I’m in the U.S. where such things would probably NOT be fake.
I’ve had gamers bring guns to my games. I did not like it at all, and I wouldn’t allow it in my house if I were hosting.
Yes, it’s obviousely a toy. We are peaceful people
Could have broken into an episode of Guns & Cash.
Fr. Tom yeah, I know that game but I’ve never played it. That is the same thing i was thinking about!
Caoimhe Ora Snow I have a gamer in my group that is an FBI agent. When they are on call, they wear their vest and sidearm. Makes for interesting conversations when we go out to eat.
I trust this person to keep the gun holstered as long as they are in my house. The illegal stuff doesn’t happen at my house. The FBI agent wouldn’t be able to play then.
Heck, I live in Washington State where there is less “illegal stuff” than there used to be. Alas, company policy trumps state law and that no-longer illegal stuff is still out of bounds.