My Bombardier is finally ready… Bombardier is finally ready…
My Bombardier is finally ready…
My Bombardier is finally ready…
My Bombardier is finally ready… are closed.
ooh! Mind if I ask how this compares to the Alchemist (from Pirate World)?
David, I must be honest, I totally, completely forgot about the Alchemist in Pirate World. I’ll have to go and read it again.
Basically the bombardier throws grenades, sets bombs and shoots with guns.
He upgrades to a grenade launcher and then to rockets. The rockets have the Very Far range tag but are not accurate – they take -2 on the ‘Grenadier” move. Specialist Grenadier gives a choice of two out of nine mundane grenades: Smoke grenades, sticky grenades, stun grenades etc. Arcane Grenadier gives a choice of two out of 8 arcane grenades: These are basically spell bombs, but all with a sort of explosive theme. He also has a sharp shooter move, called shot (as per the Ranger) and Gunslinger: “In ranged combat with firearms, you always shoot first.”
I have been working on a Clock-and-blackpowder Punk world four about four years now for a different game, so even if I have only played DW for a year now this guy has been there for quite a while!
The RPG idea of an alchemist has always bothered me, because alchemy is the study of the transmutation of base metals into gold, and is basically a mystic discipline. I dont think real alchemists ever caused explosions on purpose…
Ok I know it’s kind of the tradition of the people of Dungeon World Tavern to question everyone’s new classes and find fault (or so to speak), but hell I’m loving these classes of yours Wynand Louw. This class really looks beyond epic. Can’t wait to play it.
gotcha. I was just curious if you allowed for custom explosives using tags, like the alchemist, or focused on ranges and damage more than tags. Just curious about how many different ways there are to handle similar concepts. Thanks for the reply!
I have been piddling around with & play testing an elemental-punk campaign setting for about 5 to 6 years and something like this looks great for the setting. I also enjoy your other playbooks for DW, all quality fun stuff.
Fr. Tom Thanks!