We are playing Dungeon World this evening! BE FOREWARNED! I am a NEW GM! So I am not good at it yet! Patience is required!
I have two players I have invited back from my last game and I need one or two more EASYGOING and cool players. Imagination is rewarded!
We are playing in 1.5 hours at 4pm PACIFIC/7pm EASTERN on Google Hangouts and Roll20.
If you are new to DW this a perfect chance to get your feet wet. We will learn together!
I’d love to give it a shot.
Sure, I’d like to try DW out. I read previous posts of yours saying a face cam is required, is this the case here?
If you’re playing next Thursday, hit me up. My in-flesh game is on its last session.
Jack Kimball Yes, it is! Webcam is needed!
Jason Sims
Have you got a webcam? If so, you are welcome! I play with webcam so I can see players – it makes it easier on me as a new GM.
Stephanie Bryant
Stephanie, I would love to play with you, so if we play next Thursday you are welcome.
I have no webcam only a mic. So I shall go be sad and take your rejection personally.
Sweet! Thanks! Also: I do have a webcam. I’ll be sure to wear clothing….
I’d like to get in queue for one of these adventures too. 😉
Brian Bloom You are in if you have webcam and want to play!
I do. Have a link to the hangout?
The Jessa Channel I do. What classes are open?
The Jessa Channel I see. The logical progression for me is to take my feelings of rejection out on you in a passive aggressive manor during the next session. Speaking of which, whadda mean? Is the game like a 1shot in the sense that the next session will be a new game or is game going to continue throughout a few sessions?
Brian Bloom Inviting you!
Jason Sims Sending you an invite! Come in and we can get you a class going!
Something borked. Can you reinvite me to hangout?
Hey, ny game got canceled. Could I hop in a little late?
Oh, wait. This is 2.5 hrs ago. Nevermind. 😛
Stephanie Bryant
Stephanie, we had so much fun as a group that we are going to continue. So the next time I do a one shot you are SO welcome. 🙂