Ran a really fun first session last week, but one of my regular players couldn’t make it.  I need to add him in next…

Ran a really fun first session last week, but one of my regular players couldn’t make it.  I need to add him in next…

Ran a really fun first session last week, but one of my regular players couldn’t make it.  I need to add him in next Monday and I’m looking for advice / tips on adding a new player after the first session (e.g. how do you handle bonds?).  Thanks!

7 thoughts on “Ran a really fun first session last week, but one of my regular players couldn’t make it.  I need to add him in next…”

  1. Can’t you resolve bonds at the end of any session?  That doesn’t mean one gets EXP for the bond, but rather the bond is no longer meaningful. That could allow for forming of new bonds at the beginning of the following session.

  2. Personally I would just focus on the new character’s bonds to existing ones. That’s easy enough (make it up). Let the others create bonds with the new character after resolving an existing one.

  3. When I do bonds, I give XP for any sort of bond development, but not for new bonds. You can either give him binds based on first impressions, or wrote him in to the PC backstory.

  4. I haven’t done this in Dungeon World, but when we added a new player to an ongoing game of Monsterhearts we simply allowed everyone to redo their Backstories. You could do something similar. Just give everyone the chance to reasign Bonds.

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