Definitely a noob question, but is there any particular use for the character physical description tags? Examples: “creepy body” or “laughing eyes”.
Are these purely for color or can some use be made of these?
Definitely a noob question, but is there any particular use for the character physical description tags? Examples: “creepy body” or “laughing eyes”.
Are these purely for color or can some use be made of these?
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They have no mechanical effect or specific fictional effect (like tags). I’ve always seen them as just a bit of color. Character generation is supposed to be fast an easy and these add a little color to what is often a faceless process. You could always give them some meaning though. If you did I would probably treat them similar to tags.
On the character sheets? It’s purely to reinforce a particular mental image for the players, as well as to help some less-imaginative players come up with cool looking characters.
Oops! Sorry. Still relatively new to DW.
Yes, the descriptions on the character sheets. At first I assumed that they were for color to speed up the character creation process. But then I began to over-think things and it seemed that they were too specific to simply be suggestions and might possibly be tags.
Thank you both for the responses!
They are part of the fiction, use that creepy body for fictional positioning – “Does my body make you uncomfortable? You look uncomfortable but I know you want me. Do you want to let my friends go or do you want something more from me first?” [leverage for Parley] Mention your laughing eyes when you reassure the duke that it was just a joke among friends and that he shouldn’t take offense. Words are so important.
Haha! I like this! It does seem that they can help the fiction and not simply be something someone announces during character creation.
Marshall Miller some great suggestions.
Yeah. Though I’ve never had it come up in a game, Marshall Miller nailed it. The character descriptors can be used in fictional positioning. Use them to inform NPC reactions, to help decide what counts as leverage, or what might (or might not) trigger a Defy Danger move.
Mostly though I’ve had players use them to either spark or reinforce the image of their character. They also can help you ask quetions during set up.
Well, the paladin used his glowing eyes for good in various darkness-related circumstances in the last campaign. They were linked to his powers (especially evil detection) and we had turning on and off the glowing on the pala and other characters whom he magically interacted with. I also had heavy/fatty characters use their weight to their advantage, while I once used a ranger’s long hair to have her grabbed and pulled by her opponent.