Sometimes you want to use a monster that everyone has heard of, so you look at the Dungeon World monster bit and go…

Sometimes you want to use a monster that everyone has heard of, so you look at the Dungeon World monster bit and go…

Sometimes you want to use a monster that everyone has heard of, so you look at the Dungeon World monster bit and go hmm, thats not exactly what I have in mind, so then you get out your turntables and do a m-m-m-m-monster remix! Boom!


18 thoughts on “Sometimes you want to use a monster that everyone has heard of, so you look at the Dungeon World monster bit and go…”

  1. Good! Have fun +Delos Adamski Tell me if you end up using any!

    Right, topic, has anyone else created a monster using a name existing in core? I guess everyone must have at some point.

  2. Thanks Marques, I thought I may as well post it since I won’t be using them again soon.

    I made a couple of monsters using the Codex recently, I might do a sort of Codex binge one night and add a bunch I’ve already made.

  3. Matt Smith  That is an amazing amount of work for the minutes you’ve had on it! Ha! Thanks man.

    Fr. Tom Miller Glad you like him my good man! Thanks for taking the time to have a look. Please do use ’em, tell me how it goes.

  4. Yeah, still nice to see. I know where pretty much all the pictures are from too! It really does give a monster something to have a picture with it.

    Adding “drawing each monster I make” to my list of things I should do.

  5. I like it quite a bit. Gargoyal’s “bar entry to demonic forces” may be my favorite, so fitting.

    The angel’s damage seems to be missing a number of dice to roll from which to select the best. 

  6.  Is it? Oh, fixed it. Thank you for spotting that Joshua.

    I’m a fan of gargoyles as good guardians, I do a lot of work fixing up churches, I get to see those ugly sods close up.

  7. Some close up pictures would be awesome if you ever get a chance. Of course, I figure you’re probably pretty busy when you’re close up to one so totally understandable if you don’t.

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