Originally shared by Adrian Thoen
I arrived home from our holiday to find a package has arrived.
Now I finally own a physical copy!
I arrived home from our holiday to find a package has arrived.
Originally shared by Adrian Thoen
I arrived home from our holiday to find a package has arrived.
Now I finally own a physical copy!
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What a crazy random happenstance. Those are the two books sitting on my desk as well (plus the Fiasco companion). Unfortunally, I have yet to play either of them, and Fiasco has been sitting there for quite some time.
Hate to sound like a Luddite but, yeah the physical copy of DW was sooo much better than the electronic copy. I just absorb games better from a good old fashioned dead tree copy.
Jamie Mathews I hear ya. While I love being able to look up words, highlight and copy things from a PDF, nothing beats the feel of a good book.
Congratulations Adrian. That book looks down right pretty =)
Did you print to order? I’ve been wanting to get a physical copy, but I’m concerned about the quality.
The two games I’m dying to play. They’re both so great.
David Benson I bought them both from indie press revolution. Ipr have their own warehouse, so I was able to combine shipping costs, which is a must with international shipping costs.
David Benson I also got my copy from IPR and the quality of the book is outstanding, one of the better paperback books I’ve owned. I’ve already put a lot of hard miles on my copy but it’s holding up well despite dog-ears, highlights and notes in the margins.