OK Somebody said he wanted a character that blows things up.

OK Somebody said he wanted a character that blows things up.

OK Somebody said he wanted a character that blows things up.

Here is my first draft for the DEMOLITIONIST

(Think the demo-man in Team Fortress. His advanced moves will include a grenade launcher. And other dangerous toys)

any comments or ideas are welcome!

* Starting moves

Powder Monkey  *

You are an expert at handling black powder. You can make black powder out of  the raw material (charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur) and manufacture flares, rockets and explosive devices, according to the moves you take. You do not have to Defy Danger in order to blow something up.

Grenadier (Dex)

You are an expert at manufacturing your own grenades and you carry them in a bandolier (Maximum capacity of 6, you do not have space for more) 

When you spend a day in your workshop,  you may manufacture more grenades. 

Grenade: 1d10 damage. Dangerous. Thrown. Near. Loud. Blast range: Close. Pierce 2. 1 Weight.

When you light a grenade and throw it at your enemy, Roll+Dex

On 10+ falls where you aimed it and detonates at the right moment

On 7-9 choose one complication

-It does not fall where you aimed it

-It does not detonate at the right moment

-You have to move to get the shot placing you in danger as described by the GM

Bomb Jack

You are an expert at disarming explosive devices.

When you defuse and armed bomb or lit grenade, Roll+Int 

On 10+ you succeed

On 7-9  you defuse the bomb for now, but it is still very volatile and may go off unexpectedly at a later stage

Did you order a bomb?

You may use a lit grenade as leverage to parlay.

Nerves of steel

When you Defy Danger (Int) take +1

17 thoughts on “OK Somebody said he wanted a character that blows things up.”

  1. Great beginning to the playbook. I think one of the cooler things about playbooks in DW is the use of tags empowering players extreme flexibility and creativity. That would allow the potential creation of many different types of grenades.  Alternatively, have you thought about making it a compendium class?   Just some beginning comments,  awesome beginning and I look forward to where you run with this.  I made a grenadier profession for Dragonquest a few years back.

  2. Tim Franzke

    Hi Tim you are right. Except for the fact that the grenade has the “dangerous” tag, which means that other people have to defy danger just to handle one. This guy knows how to do it without blowing himself up. 🙂

  3. Still, using a grenade as leverage is no special ability. Its something basically everyone can do. It is like this move

    “When you have a gun, you can shoot it”

  4. Advanced moves:

    Specialist grenadier

    You know how to make two of the following specialist grenades. When you make the “Grenadier” move add the necessary adjustments to the move.

    -Stun grenade: Does no physical damage. On 10+ all creatures in the blast range are stunned. On 7-9, some creatures in the blast range are stunned.

    -Smoke grenade: Does no physical damage. Creates a smoke cloud in the blast range

    -Tear gas grenade: Does no physical damage. All creatures in the blast range are sickened. On 7-9, some creatures in the blast range are sickened

    -Poison gas grenade: Does no physical damage. On 10+ all creatures in the blast range are poisoned. On 7-9, some creatures in the blast range are poisoned.

    -Flash grenade: Does no physical damage. On 10+ all creatures in the blast range are briefly blinded. On 7-9, some creatures in the blast range are briefly blinded.

    Advanced specialist grenadier:

    You know how to make two more types of specialist grenades. You may invent your own, with the GM’s approval. 

    Arcane grenadier

    Requires specialist grenadier. 

    You know how to infuse black powder with arcane magic. You know how to manufacture two of the following arcane grenades. When you make the “Grenadier” move add the necessary adjustments to the move.

    -Sleep grenade: Does no physical damage.  On 10+ all creatures in the blast range fall asleep. On 7-9, some creatures in the blast range fall asleep.

    -Terror grenade: Does no physical damage. On 10+ all creatures in the blast range see visions of extreme terror. On 7-9, some creatures in the blast range see visions of extreme terror.

    -Light grenade: In addition to its normal damage, an aura of blinding white light fills the blast range for a few seconds, potentially disorienting creatures in the near range.

    -Laughing gas grenade. Does no physical damage. On 10+ all creatures in the blast range start laughing uncontrollably. On 7-9, some creatures in the blast range start laughing uncontrollably.

    -Portal grenade. In addition to its normal damage, this grenade has the potential to  blast a hole in the very fabric of reality, creating a portal to darker dimensions. While you may not be able to pass through the portal, something dangerous will come through. The GM will decide what.

    -Darkness grenade: In addition to its normal damage, this grenade creates a field of magical, impenetrable darkness in the near range. It lasts a minute or so. 

    -Pyro show grenade: Does no physical damage. This grenade is a parlour trick. When it detonates it generates a series of whizzpoppers, catherine wheels and small rockets that fill an area of the near range. Take +1 forward when you use this while carousing.

    -Orange grenade: Does no physical damage except to plants. When it explodes, this grenade blasts all leaves off all plants in the near range, exposing hidden enemies.

    Advanced arcane grenadier

    You learn the secrets of two more arcane grenades. You may invent your own, with the GM’s approval. 

  5. Thanks Adrian Brooks ! You touch on a serious problem here.  I don’t know. These ranges are slippery things to grasp.

    “Close: It’s useful for attacking something at arm’s reach plus a foot or two. “

    “Arm’s reach” = 3 feet

    2x”Arm’s reach”=6 feet

    + 2 feet in both directions = 4 feet.

    6+4 = 10 feet diameter circle.

    On a D&D grid thats 4 humanoids or one large monster you can target. Of course the humanoids have to be tightly packed (In melee) otherwise you’ll only get one. 

    “Reach: : It’s useful for attacking something that’s several feet away—maybe as far as ten.”

    If we use the same calculation we now have a 26 feet diameter circle, or a 25 feet x25 feet D&D grid. 

    Which means 5×5 squares = 25 potential humanoid targets. 

    So “Reach” seems a bit overpowered.

    I would love a better way to describe blast ranges – So help me out here!

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