A while ago Lars Logue asked Are there any products out there that are suited for use with and around Dungeon World?. I’ve organized the responses and added links to every product. Suggestions for new material is greatly appreciated. I’m an avid collector of such things. Enjoy! ^_^
Products That Cost Money
Jason Pitre
Dark Heart of the Dreamer (http://goo.gl/KYiWdM)
John Stephens
Seclusium of Orphone of the Three Visions (http://goo.gl/VdQyqk)
Shane Knysh
Toys from the Sandbox (http://goo.gl/37cQ4x)
Diego Minuti
Vornheim: The Complete City Kit (http://goo.gl/jcWAHV)
Joseph Le May
The Dungeon Alphabet (http://goo.gl/kMHmjV)
GM Gems (http://goo.gl/4ThHJY)
The FourthCore Alphabet (http://goo.gl/fNJ9td)
Adventures on Dungeon Planet (http://goo.gl/PjXOAT)
100 Fantasy Kingdoms (http://goo.gl/9gDBhA)
Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters (http://goo.gl/qb5HqV)
+Marques Jordan
3 Line NPCs (http://goo.gl/JBa2mA)
Masks, 1,000 Memorable NPCs (http://goo.gl/8G7pyw)
Toolbox (http://goo.gl/wMKXjf)
Ultimate Toolbox (http://goo.gl/iFYVYq)
d30 DM Companion (http://goo.gl/tAW0yA)
d30 Sandbox Companion (http://goo.gl/lTPWgB)
The Hyper-Halflings Book Of Lists (http://goo.gl/QrzMBC)
Random Esoteric Creature Generator (http://goo.gl/FJd0kV)
Tome of Adventure Design (http://goo.gl/F07IbA)
Fantasy Character Generator Toolkit (http://goo.gl/oQ3L9c)
Points of Light (http://goo.gl/6MdzW6)
Points of Light 2 (http://goo.gl/mEDR03)
Wilderlands of High Fantasy (http://goo.gl/ljs6EQ)
The Majestic Wilderlands (http://goo.gl/Fd3BNJ)
Hex Crawl Chronicles (http://goo.gl/wevOHE)
Isle of the Unknown (http://goo.gl/3zwwRI)
The Mother of All Treasure Tables (http://goo.gl/PDSXOe)
The Wurst of Grimtooth’s Traps (http://goo.gl/gKm9WN)
Toxicant (http://goo.gl/6QUqah)
JD’s Random Brothel Generator (http://goo.gl/cbyXRJ)
Pay What You Want Products
Joseph Le May
Teratic Tome (http://goo.gl/pvOELs)
Metamorphica (http://goo.gl/oyVSN7)
Roll XX (http://goo.gl/PF0wPD)
Roll XX: Double Damage (http://goo.gl/TlNyPj)
+Marques Jordan
JD’s Random Cult Generator (http://goo.gl/Ovi92o)
JD’s Random Tavern Generator (http://goo.gl/So5s9X)
Unleashed & Unfamiliar (http://goo.gl/MzllyN)
Products That Are Free
Joseph Le May
Dyson’s Delve (http://goo.gl/fo3r8V)
One-Page Dungeons
– 2009 Entries (http://goo.gl/uJ1EWL)
– 2009 Winners (http://goo.gl/mo3qfc)
– 2010 Entries (http://goo.gl/M2xBju)
– 2010 Winners (http://goo.gl/jVSfGa)
– 2011 Entries (http://goo.gl/BQ8YGl)
– 2011 Winners (http://goo.gl/sARHwc)
– 2012 Entries (http://goo.gl/QhcTT7)
– 2012 Winners (http://goo.gl/NSpX2l)
– 2013 Entries (http://goo.gl/RIAt4I)
– 2013 Winners (http://goo.gl/mfMBOc)
The FourthCore Alphabet WE (http://goo.gl/hRX9Lx)
The FourthCore Armory (http://goo.gl/XidLrH)
Story Games Names Project (http://goo.gl/aVNxKA)
Ziggurat of the Sun Princess (http://goo.gl/CPX1a6)
+Marques Jordan
Random Dungeon Generator (http://goo.gl/QeLrSm)
5 Room Dungeons, Vol 1-18 (http://goo.gl/bjMW3P)
The Big List of RPG Plots (http://goo.gl/PWtQPl)
650 Fantasy City Encounter Seeds & Hooks (http://goo.gl/qwtRin)
The Land of Nod (http://goo.gl/oZVlG5)
– The Land of Nod Issue 1 (http://goo.gl/UsUrAZ)
– The Land of Nod Issue 6 (http://goo.gl/LVsGSo)
The Shrounded Lands (http://goo.gl/2kExGz)
Combat Swipes (http://goo.gl/vq6ahZ)
Crucible Of The Gods (http://goo.gl/VEMEd4)
Revenge of the Iron Lich (http://goo.gl/C1DlBA)
Fane of the Heresiarch (http://goo.gl/Qq69Xx)
Fantastic Classes Codex (http://goo.gl/xCM7nq)
Sanglorian’s DW Stuff (http://goo.gl/JcJSNa)
Sarrenor DW Campaign Setting (http://goo.gl/jV1nyt)
Vestige Magic (http://goo.gl/3K8zD3)
Eric Lochstampfor
Druid Spells (http://goo.gl/NzeDUK)
General Dungeon World Resources
DTRPG Dungeon World Product Listing (http://goo.gl/ymrPc2)
Dungeon World Codex (http://goo.gl/Nq2Rlq)
Dungeon World Guide by Eon Fontes-May and Sean Dunstan (http://goo.gl/DH8LJ0)
Grim Portents, Issue 1 (http://goo.gl/WXGgID)
List of Dungeon Starters, Adventure Starters, Adventures, & Micro-fronts, compiled by Paride Papadia (http://goo.gl/utIA9U)
Isaac Karth’s Grab Bag of Equipment Tag (http://goo.gl/wgk6W1)
nerdwerds Dungeon World Resources (http://goo.gl/cG3LIq)
nerdwerds ALL of the Playbooks (http://goo.gl/wmmRke)
Big List of Apocalypse World Hacks (http://goo.gl/OzPav1)
Dungeon World Tavern
– Custom Moves (http://goo.gl/8gOzUg)
– New Monsters (http://goo.gl/DvKicB)
– Magic Items (http://goo.gl/lTNmVK)
– Fronts (http://goo.gl/XWJt6E)
– Compendium Classes (http://goo.gl/gyh8zc)
– Base Classes (http://goo.gl/ZcdZcc)
– Miscellaneous Resources (http://goo.gl/BifGzT)
– Adventures (http://goo.gl/wZqdNm)
Tim Franzke’s Google Drive (http://goo.gl/IBQDqH)
Matt Miller’s Google Drive (http://goo.gl/xr8sTo)
Joe Banner’s Website (http://goo.gl/sxvmTN)
Johnstone Metzger’s Blog (http://goo.gl/vcFZaa)
Kasper Brohus Allerslev’s Blog (http://goo.gl/lQlKyb)
Adrian Thoen’s Playbooks as G.Docs (http://goo.gl/V3N0Xb)
David Guyll’s Blog (http://goo.gl/hYGgFh)
Delos Adamski’s Blog (http://goo.gl/OscHNI)
David Schirduan’s Google Drive (http://goo.gl/dGFDQH)
For my stuff
Shared with self!
What does /sub mean and/or do?
It’s just lingo for, “I have nothing to add, but I want notification if someone else adds to this conversation.” It’s short for /subscribe.
I will continue to update the list above with new additions from the comments. If you have a folder of goodies like Tim Franzke please post a link!
Marques Jordan great resource and I have a surprise coming for this list… soon 🙂
You can also share it with yourself and it will appear on your Google Plus profile homepage other than /sub to keep track of post you reference often.
I did. Thanks for compiling all of that.
Thank you very much for this. 🙂
No mention of the Dungeon World Guide? I’m hurt. 🙁 http://www.dungeon-world.com/dungeon-world-guide/
Sean Dunstan I’m so sorry X_X. It was the singular item that convinced me Dungeon World was the system for me. Please consider it a brief case of dementia. I got lost while creating a sea of compact links. Adding it now!
Marques Jordan Don’t worry about it. We cool.
I wished +1would count as sub already…
Great resource, can this go on a sticky somewhere?
no gods watch over you
All my stuff is on joebanner.co.uk if you want to add it! Johnstone Metzger ‘s stuff, too. EDIT: Whoops, just re-read that comment – ignore the implication Johnstone’s stuff is on my site! (You’ll probably want redboxvancouver.wordpress.com instead.)
Useful compilation
Druid spells, please to add:
I’ll throw my links up here too!
Free Google Docs versions of my classes
Comments are on for all of the classes, so if you have a question, feel free to make a comment on the doc in question.
Fancy paid Drivethru RPG versions
Do you think the list would be more helpful if I dropped the names of who contributed the idea and organized entries into categories? I.E. Toolbox Products, Hex-Crawl Products, Adventures, NPCs, etc…?
Eric Lochstampfor are the Druid Spells linked to a specific Playbook?
Marques Jordan from this forum post:
Thank you for the link. One post from that thread really sums up what this spell list is about. I’ve shared this file and info from that post here (http://goo.gl/RNu6tV).
/super-duper sub
/late sub party for 1