One more adventure before the end of the month: The Sanguine Forest.

One more adventure before the end of the month: The Sanguine Forest.

One more adventure before the end of the month: The Sanguine Forest. Back to a traditional fantasy setting, though the town-sized corpse of a long-dead beast sets these woods apart from the rest! 

Hope you all enjoy!

8 thoughts on “One more adventure before the end of the month: The Sanguine Forest.”

  1. Casey McKenzie Thank you! Peter Johansen Thanks for the feedback – is there anything I could do to make these less note-esque and more adventure-esque? 

  2. I think what was missing for me was a story, something that ties the three scenes together. But then, I think in DW you have to make your own to some extent. 

  3. Absolutely, I don’t want to pigeonhole you into a story that doesn’t relate to your group – I’m interested to hear how your group answer the questions, differently to others. I think that’s one of the big strengths of DW. That being said, I’ll try and include a tighter focus in future PDFs. (After all, like I put in the intro, use what inspires you and ignore what doesn’t!) 🙂

  4. I love taking these “adventure seeds” and watching what the players make of them.  They come up with a far cooler overall plot than I could ever have every time.

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