One of my players – the Wizard – expressed dismay at getting an experience point, as she “didn’t want to pass level 10 and have to stop playing [her character]”.
Clearly carrying on is an option, either in a new class or with an apprentice. But I’ve no idea how this works in practice.
Can anyone share experiences of (themselves or their players) passing level 10?
We haven’t reached that point in any of our campaigns. But couldn’t you just continue on as the character and not track XP anymore? It’s a 3rd option if the apprentice or alternate/new class doesn’t interest them. It does take away any mechanical advancement though. It will be interested to hear some stuff from those that have had games go on that long.
First up, grats on getting a game to that length of play. Is your campaign nearing a close? There are tons of new classes to pick from (Grim World etc), have you thought of allowing her and the rest of the players to retire and then have the story pick up 7-8 years later? They can play as the children of the original cast and face a new threat. Using flash backs you could allow them to use their lv 10 characters in strategic battles which change the landscape of the game. Those changes could in turn impact the lives of their heirs in a fun way. Ultimately could the evils they face be the direct result of their parents choices? LV 10 isn’t game over, it’s full fledged game on!
i so much would want to play a second character. It is so cool.
There was a fantastic discussion about possibilities for playing with the same character after hitting Lv10. Definitely worth a read (
You could introduce compendium classes for levels 11 and up, but I’d probably stop increasing stats to avoid them getting +3 across the board.
Yep, my suggestion is to match up to Adrian Thoen… allow further level ups, no more stat bonuses, still gain moves. Or just do change playbooks which will have almost the same effect, except better
Johnathan, I’m planning to bring several fronts to..something that may conclude some of them. Or not. Play to find out. In any case, I don’t think the players want to stop.
Thanks for that, Marques, I’d missed that thread. I like the idea. But. There’s a lot of discussion (both here and there) of alternatives to what’s in the book, without much evidence that anyone’s tried doing what’s written; I’ve found that Sage and Adam generally give good advice.
Having said that, I’ve found playing two characters (in other games, usually as a make-up-the-numbers solution) problematical. Have you actually done it, Tim? One or the other gets all the love and attention. Maybe that’s appropriate for an apprentice-master relationship.
/Edit Yes, the book doesn’t mention stats. It’s clearly a bad idea to allow stat progression with a second class.
I’ve had players with two characters a few times with Apocalypse World, and Jared Hunt’s Wizard World requires it.
It can work but it depends on the group’s attention-spans and the MC’s spotlighting abilities.
I figure you have a few approaches:
1) Follow the book. New PC, same PC but no further progression, same PC but start over with a new playbook
2) Introduce a Compendium Class. This could allow them to further specialize in an aspect of their character that they enjoy or allow them to get a taste of another playbook without having to sacrifice their existing character. CC are a part of the original design with no recommended point on where to introduce them. They are a great tool for tying characters into an aspect or organization of the setting. Once one CC is complete, if they still want to stay with the same character, throw on a new one.
3) Experiment with a new approach like the ones in the thread I linked or come up with one all your own. Sitting down and talking with this player and presenting the various options would allow them, and you in turn, to cherry pick the best solution for their current predicament. Be a fan of the players!
Adrian Brooks i have done it in so far as that i GMed quite a bit in my time now.
I’d like to quote Vincent Baker on that:
_ __ create a second character to play, so now you’re playing two_
Oh like it’s such a big shocker or so difficult to do. I mean, shit, you’re the MC, you have 30 characters at a time, and your players shy away from playing 2? e real question is, why don’t people usually play with more than 1?
Characters belonging to the same player don’t have Hx [think bonds here] with one another and can’t help or interfere with one another. [..]
Conceivably the player could choose this option again for her second character, down the road, and thus have 3 characters to play. en 4, then 5, then 6…
Hi Adrian Brooks ! Man, you could:
– Kill her, and propose a pact with the death that cuts her power by half (making her a lvl 5 mage again).
– Retire the character and adopt a pupil (than she can use the former pc as a ally and you could rite a rule for it).
– Turn her in to a frog.