After playing nothing but DW for a while now, played in a Pathfinder game again yesterday.
Sadly, Pathfinder just seems like unplayable garbage to me after DW. Initiative is so fictionally jarring compared to the beauty and elegance of how DW does combat.
You know you like a game when it makes old staples seem terrible.
I know what you mean. I’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of D&D 5th edition, then my group started DW to pass the time until release. Now…we don’t really care about 5th edition so much.
I would like to try some Apoc, Inverse, or the other *World games to see what they offer. I have also been playing, and loving, DW for some time now.
I mentioned a Shadow Run hack to my group and they lit up like Christmas trees! We all agreed to try that after we hit 10th level in DW.
Damian Jankowski, Inverse is a hack of Dungeon World itself – so it’s nearer to DW than many others, even though it changes the tone (dreamy, cartoonesque) and the focus (more exploration, less fighting) a bit.
AW is a different story, and it’s really fantastic.
You might want to take a look at Monsterhearts and Sagas of the Icelanders, too!
I had that experience playing 4th edition again. It, especially, was excruciatingly boring once an encounter began. The waiting for your turn was awful, then you get a certain number of actions and if you missed, nothing happened for you until another go around the table. No thanks.
I have the gist of a hack for PF that lets you play in a more DW frame. You use a d20 and a dF to give you your three levels of success. You keep the moves but choose the skill or stat that best matches. Your AC-10 is your armor. If I wanted I’d do a fuller melding but I’m not sure how useful it would be to others.
We finished a short run of #Pathfinder a few weeks ago. I had fun, but that was almostly entirely due to the group and the story. After playing and running World games, I simply do not enjoy battle maps, square counting, and nothing happening on a miss.
David Benson I too have been looking into a Shadowrun hack, though it would be pretty extensive…
David Benson, Stefan Grambart – for a hack of Shadowrun, I would start with Apocalypse World as the basis as opposed to Dungeon World.
Well, I think I can see where you’re coming from, but personally I prefer it when trying something new doesn’t impair my ability to have fun with the good oldies.
Start with The Sprawl and add magic. That’s how you do a Shadowrun hack right.
Thanks for the heads-up on that Michael Llaneza
Philip Burge Thanks! Just took a cursory glance through the hack and it’s pretty damn good!
Oh hey, an updated 6th World.
Sixth World looks excellent. I’ll have to take a look at The Sprawl. Thanks!
DW and Fate both make me feel this way about the “Old School” way of playing.
I think I need to try 6th World!