A quick question about Arcane Art. “When you weave a performance into a basic spell,” Does this reflect playing music when a Cleric or Wizard is casting a spell? If not, what qualifies as a spell for this move?
A quick question about Arcane Art.
A quick question about Arcane Art.
Sorry, I misunderstood.
No. The Bard can cast spells all on their own. But how they perform magic is very different from how a Clericor Wizard performs magic; the Bard actuall _performs_. I’ve had players narrate their Bards play instruments, sing songs, or recite poetry to “trigger” their spells.
I am completely confused. There isn’t a bard list or any mention (that I recall) of what a bard has access to at what level (if he is using cleric or wizard spells). Could you explain further?
Arcane Art is the bard’s only spell casting move. They receive no list, and their spell effects are listed in the move itself.
The text of the move is saying, in a fancy way, “when you make a spell out of music, roll and choose from these magic effects.”
The move says:
When you weave a performance into a basic spell, choose an ally and an effect
and then lists four effects (healing, extra damage, enchantment shaking, and improved helping). Those are the spell effects. There isn’t a spell list for the Bard because they don’t need one. Those four option are the only spells they have access to. How they do the spell is completely up to the player, but what the spell does is determined by which of those effects they pick.
I understand now. Thank you both. I don’t know what I was thinking on that one ^_^;
No sweat. We all have brain farts sometimes.
I was confused by the wording as well — I thought it applied to someone else casting a spell (strumming along while they chant, for example) or only if the bard had taken multi class moves in order to be able to cast spells themselves. I love the move once I was set straight by this forum… but the wording in the text definitely could have been better.
I see how the wording could be confusing. Just to clarify, the Bard can still strum along or chant while the Wizard or Cleric casts a spell to help increase the spell’s power. The Bard just wouldn’t trigger their Arcane Art move. They’d trigger the Aid or Interfere move (hopefully the aid part) instead.
We also took some time to figure it out. Maybe it should be re written for clarity.
Good discussion of this can be found here: BardWeek – Kickoff Hangout