Has someone tried to develop a customizable excel playbook generator analogous to the HeroForge character sheet for D&D?
Has someone tried to develop a customizable excel playbook generator analogous to the HeroForge character sheet for…
Has someone tried to develop a customizable excel playbook generator analogous to the HeroForge character sheet for…
Yes! Johnstone Metzger has made and excellent class customizer. I’ve used it on several occasions. It’s perfect for tailoring characters that may not get the chance to level up and get as specific as they like, or for one-shots.
Andrew Armstrong has used them as well.
Don’t be shy, friend! LINK THAT SHIT!
David Schirduan We must have it!
Please, SHARE =D
David Schirduan I hope Johnstone Metzger will decide to share it….
I uh….can’t remember it ><
What?!!! NOOOOO!!!! =[
Save us, +Johnstone Metzger!
Found it!
I merely had to battle a dragon, as well as a burned out vehicle.
I don’t remember how to use excel, what’s the HeroForge stuff like?
Johnstone Metzger to sum it up, it allows to insert the ability scores, classes, skills, etc, selecting from combo boxes, does all the calculations needed, and generates a printable character sheet with all the bells and whistles.
For DW it would be nice something allowing to have CC and multiclass moves properly formatted in the playbook.
David Schirduan I was actually thinking about the standard classes, but the automated class customizer would be brilliant.
The problem here is that DW has so many classes, it would be hard to manage them in a pdf like that. Especially since there are also lots of varients of the base classes as well. I think your best bet is to support Johnstone Metzger with his work so far and hope (or help) that someone puts together an application for that process.
Andrew Armstrong pdf and variant base classes? Sorry, I don’t understand what you are referring to, my question is about an automated playbook generator in excel.