For those of you who do not track coins, how do you handle Adventuring Gear? There are five uses. If a player spends a use to pull out rope, when they are done using it, can they collect it and put it back in the bag? From that point forward do they have rope and four uses left? Do you allow them to take more than 5 uses of Adventuring Gear?
For those of you who do not track coins, how do you handle Adventuring Gear?
For those of you who do not track coins, how do you handle Adventuring Gear?
I’d say either just 4 uses left or rope + 4 uses, depending on what happens to the rope.
I think they keep whatever item they pull out, as long as it makes sense ( that flask if oil ain’t coming back after throwing it into the fireplace). The group can definitly find/buy more too.
Whatever they pull out of their pack they keep. So long as it’s not a limited use item, like candles, torches, lantern oil, etc. They get 5 uses only, but can pull out anything that would be reasonable for them to have.
My feeling is you’re meant to fill the characters’ lives with adventure, not fill the players’ lives with bookkeeping and tedium.
haha, I have one player who LOVE micro-managing his inventory. Everyone else has a general understanding of what they’ve got, but this guy calculates the weight of individual gold coins, and has 3 different ways to use them as a weapon……just in case.
Keeping track of rope blows big chunks. It’s “adventuring gear” until it needs to be “rope” and returns to “adventuring gear” when stowed away.
Excellent feedback. Thank you all very much =D
That’s how I play, too, Philip Burge; once an unspecified use of adventuring gear becomes defined, it stays that way. If you lowered the number of uses from 5 to 2 (or maybe even 1) I could see letting players return the item to their pack and allowing them to pull out a new one.
Also, if you’re familiar with Apocalypse World, you could make a custom move similar to the Chopper’s Fucking thieves move. Something that represents the character or the group searching their collective pockets, pouches, and packs for some useful tool. Of course if you did that, I’d probably get rid of adventuring gear altogether.
BTW, I think it’s hilariously awesome that one of your players uses their coins as a weapon, David Schirduan.
David Schirduan I’m not as calculated, but I did use a gold coin to distract an ape-like animal before I could swipe its reinforcement-calling horn. Maybe not a weapon, per se…
Interesting answers. My impression was that when you pulled something out of the adventuring gear, you used it, and so didn’t get to keep that item and now had 4 uses left.
Basically, it’s 5 solutions to problems you haven’t discovered yet.
This is how I read it Darren Hill. But it didn’t make sense that you couldn’t reuse an item that wasn’t destroyed or otherwise irretrievable. Use Up Their Resources doesn’t feel right if this is the case though. When concerning Adventuring Gear it should be “Define A Use” =P
I agree Philip Burge, Use Up Their Resources is probably best handled in a GM description. If you don’t think they should be able to keep that item around, make sure you get rid of it through the narrative.
Having players lose or use up gear as a result of the GM move Use up their resources is something I only ever do to make life interesting for the players. While you can (and should) make moves seem like they are a result of the fiction, using Use up their resources just because you don’t want the players to have a certain item feels pretty cheap to me. If an item is reasonable enough to be produced via Adenturing Gear, it’s probably reasonable to let the players hold onto it.
When you say “you don’t think they should be able to keep the item around”, what were some items you were thinking of, Marques Jordan?
I was speaking hypothetically Christopher Stone-Bush. If you think something needs to go, take care of it in the fiction. I don’t have any experience with DW yet. My very first session is going to be tonight! I agree with you though, use the move only if it makes the story or their lives interesting. Using it any other way would be poor GM’ing.
Yeah. I feel using that GM move as a punitive action against the players is wrong. Good luck with your game Marques Jordan. Are you playing or GMing?
GMing for my wife. We tried B/X D&D a couple months ago (about 80 hours worth) but it wasn’t all that great for either of us. We’re really hoping DWs philosophy and slant on things leads to a much more narrative and immersive experience crosses fingers
Well, my advice is to play DW by the book first, rather than trying to make changes to it. It’s inspired by, but different from OSR D&D stuff, so don’t try to play it as such.