Does Charming and Open apply only for PCs or also NPCs?
Does Charming and Open apply only for PCs or also NPCs?
Does Charming and Open apply only for PCs or also NPCs?
Does Charming and Open apply only for PCs or also NPCs?
Does Charming and Open apply only for PCs or also NPCs?
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both! The player, in that case, is the GM.
It is a little weird on occasion to think of the GM is playing everybody else, but the GM is playing the game too, not just running it!
I absolutely believe as Paul does, the GM is another player at the table! They may have different rules to play by, and different responsibilities, but they are a player nonetheless.
I think this is true for many RPGs, but made particularly explicit in PBTA games.
Well now my Bard will have another move to use
Yep. The “player” of an NPC is the GM.
Yay official answer!