Okay, this is finally on DTRPG so I can indulge in a little reposting/self-promotion. These have been finalised for…

Okay, this is finally on DTRPG so I can indulge in a little reposting/self-promotion. These have been finalised for…

Okay, this is finally on DTRPG so I can indulge in a little reposting/self-promotion. These have been finalised for some time, and people might have seen them before:

The Assassin is a seasoned killer-for-hire with control over shadow magic. About half the moves are about using this shadow magic (to gain access to your targets, to physically enhance yourself or even as weapons), and the other half is about being an assassin (which lets you take on paid contracts and generally get better at killing people). If you detect a certain hint of Dishonored and the Malazan Book of the Fallen’s Claws about it, that’s normal.

The City Thief is a variant of the core book Thief that ditches the poison moves and replaces them with stealth and acrobatics moves. It is unashamedly inspired by Garrett from the Thief series. This is something like 30% new material; the rest is Sage and Adam’s original work.

I’ve also written a Compendium Class version of the Assassin that has just a few of the more mundane moves, for people who want a CC about being an actual assassin, rather than a base class; plus a bunch of new items that are also unashamedly inspired by/lifted from Thief. 

The Assassinhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B30fzv28XdrYYy1lOFVrZWp1cWM/edit?usp=sharing

The City Thiefhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B30fzv28XdrYNjRwTXN6TzhWZ1E/edit?usp=sharing

The Assassin Compendium Class: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B30fzv28XdrYcUhET21iWnVEcDg/edit?usp=sharing

The City Thief’s new items and tags: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B30fzv28XdrYVUxabk50WTBPSVE/edit?usp=sharing

This is all CC-BY-SA.

Special thanks go to Andri Erlingsson, Jacob Randolph and others from the Something Awful forum for feedback and inspiration during the design process, and of course to Sage and Adam for Dungeon World and the original Thief class.

If you’d like to toss in some money for them, the DTRPG link is below.


4 thoughts on “Okay, this is finally on DTRPG so I can indulge in a little reposting/self-promotion. These have been finalised for…”

  1. Weird – I’ll let the people on my end know. In the meantime, everything that’s part of this on DTRPG is linked in this post, so just grab the playbooks and stuff from Google Docs (I can stick them on dropbox instead or whatever if that doesn’t work).

    Also, thanks!

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