Anyone have a good compendium for alternate races for Dungeon World? I’m getting ready to run a planar codex game and need some more races.
Anyone have a good compendium for alternate races for Dungeon World?
Anyone have a good compendium for alternate races for Dungeon World?
Doesn’t PC has its own way of doing races?
Pirate World has a few non-traditional races which have full Backgrounds. If you like, I can send you a sneak preview:
* Arachs, which are large armoured crustaceans, organised into mobs and gangs
* Lizardmen, apex predators and volcano cultists
* Amphibs, weird festering frog people.
Thanks guys
Planar Codex and Number Appearing.
Gary Anastasio, Planarch Codex has HEritage Moves, which substitute races and in my opinion are so much cooler
otherwise, all the sources mentioned above are really cool!
Mondo Sotterraneo, the Italian DW fanzine, just came out with its first number, and there’s optional “Origins” to substitute the races with. A hope an english version will be available soon!
David Guyll That reminds me, will there be another issue of Grim Portents? We certainly seem to have enough stuff for one among ourselves.
Grim Portents #2 has been 2/3 done for months (I’m doing layout), but there have been a series of delays. Hopefully soon!
wow. I thought it died.
Looking forwards to it!
I think that’s still the plan. I’ve made a layout template for future issues, so I’m hoping it’ll be smoother from here on out.