What happens when a retired, Dwarven Gladiator, a Halfling Fighter, and a Human Thief all get captured, imprisoned, and forced to fight for their alleged freedom against other, surviving prisoners?
Throw in a minotaur, an old regime in disarray, a cult following belonging to a Naga Princess, her sister, a Medusa princess, and their mother, the alleged queen of the new regime that took over the city – and what do you have?
Another DW game full of sheer awesome!
Many thanks Matt Smith Ben Jarvis and Kaillan Reukers for playing and bringing badass PCs to the table. I had a lot of fun running this game for you all.
Kaillan Reukers I hope you enjoyed your first game of Dungeon World!
Perhaps we’ll try and make a 2nd Session happen sometime; either way, I’ll definitely run more impromptu games in the future.
be there, done that. The heroes free the captives, overthrow the cruel owner of the arena with their help and establish a democracy.
I enjoyed it immensely! Looking forward to future games. (And I’ve decided that merman was a subtle, undetectable spy of the Naga Kingdom- he shall taste the fists of Et’tu’s wrath)
You know, it’s funny, I had originally planned for there to be water in the arena (in case the merman or Triton or whoever he was DID fight in the arena with you all).
Alessandro Gianni Very nice! The heroes didn’t quite get to overthrow the arena or city (yet); but with the appearance of the Naga prince walking in on the party as they loot the princesses’ royal throne room, anything could happen! cough 2nd Session cought Hint cough
Here’s a slightly more detailed, Actual Play report: http://gravemishappenings.blogspot.com/2013/10/ap-dw-one-shot-battle-at-arena-and.html