While looking at the Druid book, since one of my players got interested, I couldn’t find any move relating to a well established trope of plant control. You all know that – roots entangling your enemies, branches forming shelters, bamboo walls on a whim, etc.
I’m pretty sure someone must have made a move like that at some point and I even remember I saw it in here somewhere but keep failing at googling it up again. Help anyone?
You have already answered this question by yourself. When you transform yourself in a vigorous plant, and you spread your trope of plant, do the moves you told us: roots entangling you enemies, etc
you can shapechange into plants with Thing Talker.
Also, it comes to my mind to me that in this document there are all the cleric spells reskinned to match the druid’s classic spells in D&D. You know, you can take the ranger’s god amidst the wastes through hunter’s brother and become a full spellcasting druid. Specifically, hold person is called Entangle.
Elemental Mastery covers this pretty well.
so plants are elementals, like water + earth?! And then what, are you going to tell me that angels are undeads and elves are aberrations?!
Oooh, neat.
Adam Koebel Oh, yeah. That makes sense when elements are treated broader. Like creative ways of water bending in the Avatar series. Cool. Thanks.
Alessandro Gianni I’ll show that to my player, thanks!
I wrote a plant control spell here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tg-o3aiddaGTm35Ynl-zpnYlmr7tamCxISNTGJhsNAA/edit?usp=docslist_api