Question: how much interest is there in selling DW stuff (anything bigger than 30-odd pages, I suppose) in print as well as PDF?
Question: how much interest is there in selling DW stuff (anything bigger than 30-odd pages, I suppose) in print as…
Question: how much interest is there in selling DW stuff (anything bigger than 30-odd pages, I suppose) in print as…
No interest in print for me because of shipping (and money)
I’ve gone almost entirely ebook for gaming material these days. I only but physical copies if that’s the only way to get it, or if it’s something really spectacular (ie. I bought the recent reprints of the 1st ed AD&D books, just because I wanted nice copies of them in my bookcase).
Same here. Most of my collection is ebook, with the rare book of some of my boyfriend and mine’s favorite games.
Whenever I can get a print version of something I am interested in, I will.
For DW stuff, I’m a hardcore collector. In general, if I can read it on my Nexus 7 I prefer that, otherwise I’ll do hardcopy.
If it is possible to get a bundle of
said prints….
Cheers for all the fast feedback! Personally, I usually grab the PDF as 90% of my games are over the internet. However, I want to make a print version for my next supplement as I think it would be pretty rad! Your feedback so far gives me a better expectation of sales though, so thank you 🙂
Bastien Wauthoz – it’s not beyond the bounds of reason I’ll go back and do a bundle for I’m on a Boat! and Shadows of Umberto, once I’m done with my next project.
Dungeon Planet moves way more print copies than my adventures do, so I assume there’s an issue of perceived replay value at work there.
Corebooks always sell more than adventures.
And I agree with David Guyll , a combo print+ebook looks right to me.
If it is a game I’m actually playing I like to have both Print & PDF. But if I’m just mining it for ideas and inspiration, PDF is fine.