That’s it, the Italian campaign is over.

That’s it, the Italian campaign is over.

That’s it, the Italian campaign is over.

Some details:

The finished handbook will be full format, full color, rigid cover with a golden embossed title, cover art from Danny Orizio, internal art from Claudia Cangini.

It will contain Dungeon World, The Plarch Codex and the Spanish Guide.


– 12.367 € gathered (16.783 $)

– 397 copies sold

– 52 other “powered by the Apocalypse” manuals sold (Murderous Ghosts, Monsterhearts, Monster of the Week, Apocalypse World)

– 69 augmented reality shirts sold

– 12 new personalized monsters (most of them converted with classes moves)

Now let’s see what Lucca Comics and Games will bring for the game. I will probably run demoes without rest…

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