Here’s my long-overdue blog post about my first Dungeon World runs, and lessons learned:

Here’s my long-overdue blog post about my first Dungeon World runs, and lessons learned:

Here’s my long-overdue blog post about my first Dungeon World runs, and lessons learned:

It was hard to find a useful way to document so many mistakes, but it had to be done.

5 thoughts on “Here’s my long-overdue blog post about my first Dungeon World runs, and lessons learned:”

  1. A great article! It’s so important to look back on our performance and see what worked and what didn’t, and that kind or retrospection can really help other players and GM’s cut to the good stuff!

  2. Deep Six Delver  Oh also, this was a great read 🙂

    I had the exact same problem with distinguishing hard and soft moves, as you did, and judging by the frequency people ask questions about it here in the Tavern, we are not the only ones who had this problem 😉

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