Working on moves for players riding dragons and engaging in WWI style dog-fighting. Any ideas or resources to “borrow” from?
Working on moves for players riding dragons and engaging in WWI style dog-fighting.
Working on moves for players riding dragons and engaging in WWI style dog-fighting.
Jason Morningstar might have some ideas.
Travis Scott is your guy. Dogfighting is all about control of altitude and energy. Climbs and dives present kinetic trade-offs, and if the weapon of choice is dragon fire I’d make that something that saps kinematic as well as physical energy.
Perhaps something like this:
When you fight on dragon-back, you have a new stat called Altitude (ALT). When you start the fight above an opponent, it starts at +1. When you start the fight at the same altitude, it starts at +0. When you start the fight below your opponent, it starts at -1. When you roll a 10+ to hack and slash or volley, you can treat it as a 7-9 to gain +1 Altitude. When you deal damage, you can spend all your altitude to swoop down and deal a devastating strike, rolling 1 damage die for each Altitude spent and taking the highest result. If your Altitude is negative, you take that as a penalty to hack and slash or volley.
I know it’s very wordy, but it’s what I thought of; it can almost certainly be simplified.
When you gain altitude, you gain hold. You spend that hold to perform maneuvers. When you attack someone from below, you defy danger. Otherwise, standard attack.
Marshall Miller there you go! So much better than my version! Round of applause
If you want the real deal on integrating physics into a dragon-riding game, check out clash bowley’s In Harm’s Way: Dragons!.
As for other inspirations, you really cannot do better than the Dicta Boelcke. It’s begging to be turned into moves!
Alternately, you could just use Marshall Miller’s, because, seriously, he is a genius.
If you want something lighter, check out Levi Kornelsen’s Havoc:
Also, Ben Baugh is writing Drakenritter as well. It should be awesome!
Hey, Travis Scott? What game of Marshall Miller’s are you referring to? I didn’t know he did a dogfighting dragons game!
As a note on Havoc / IHW:
Havoc basically IS my take on the combat ideas from IHW: Dragons. Not all the same ideas or mechanics, but the core is directly sourced over.
Er, I meant his move in the comments above. Giovanni Lanza’s is awesome, too!
Ah! Cool! It’s sweet and simple! 😀
Sub because dragons
Thanks for all this great material guys. Here’s a first attempt:
Marshall Miller’s move and some ideas gathered from Travis Scott’s suggestion about the Dicta Boelcke
When you push your mount to climb roll + POW. On a 10+ you gain 2 Altitude. On a 7-9 gain choose: gain 1 or gain 2 and your reduce your mount’s Spark by 1.
Altitude is the currency of a Arial battle. You may spend Altitude at any time to:
* Gain speed.
* Put yourself in an opponent’s blind-spot (Placing yourself in the sun’s glare, hiding in a cloud, etc).
* Make an evasive maneuver.
* Get in close to a target. Take +1 forward on your next attack against that target.
* Put yourself behind a rival Dragoon.
* Maintain a tailing position on a rival Dragoon.
* Get a clear line to a location.
I like it, Dylan! It gets the basic idea across very well!
Current sources of inspiration: Panzer Dragoon and The Pern Novels. Does anyone know if Dragonlance ever really dealt with similar material?
Have you looked at the Temeraire novels?
I don’t remember Dragonlance dealing with this, perhaps BattleSystem did.
Warhammer has some dragon fighting rules but I’m not sure about dogfighting either.