Hey guys!

Hey guys!

Hey guys! I had a thought last night: what if you played the monsters? Now, I know that Krusty Wightbred did this with Number Appearing (and I actually used some of the names in there for the playbook), but the races in there were primarily about being a Troll Fighter or a Vampire Thief. This is about being a monster, period. The primary mechanic (defining your kind) is taken straight from the monster creation rules.

And so I turn to you with a few questions:

– How can I make Instincts feel more like Instincts and less like Alignments?

– Should I keep the weapons and armor as is, or add in those sections to the monster creation part (define your weapon and add the tags)?

-Advanced moves. I’m having a bit of a hard time with advanced moves, which is a shame, since I feel the core concept is really strong. Can you guys come up with anything?


3 thoughts on “Hey guys!”

  1. This idea is awesome, but I’m also having trouble seeing how you’d work in advanced moves without keeping them extremely vague, since part of the whole point is the player creating the monster!

    Perhaps if players chose 1-2 “special qualities” (like in monster creation) from a big list (fire breathing, winged, immortal, spines, poisonous, etc.) along with 1-2 weaknesses from a big list (fire vulnerability, undead, hates the light, chaotic magic, etc.) … maybe those could be worked in somehow. For example, a traditional troll player could choose something along the lines of “regeneration” for the upside and “vulnerable to fire” on the downside, but these could be mixed around if the player wants to create a new species.

    Then some of your advanced moves could play around with that system, like “you discover new talents you never knew were possible – take an additional special quality” or “take an extra weakness, but gain X in exchange (bigger damage dice, an additional hireling, etc)”.

    Might not be enough for a full list of advanced moves but it could be a place to start.

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