Yesterday we had our first game after a couple of months, it went pretty well.
I Gm’d following some ideas I had on how to play one-shot games (that I’d like to share sooner or later, maybe Kasper Brohus could be interested!).
I planned a three hours session, including characters creation. I sat at the table with absolutely no clue about what we were going to play. And it all went smooth.
Wierd note: it was me as a gm and three other players, and one of them played via hangout!
Ooh, I’d love to hear about this
Kasper Brohus mostly it is a series of hints. Nothing new and in no way a set of rules. It’s just the way I use to do it, and I’ve tried to write it down just to share my point of view (I have a google docs file, but it’s in italian…).
I’d guess that are just a bunch of things that everyone already does instinctively.
Basically, I defined two different approaches:
1) Gm set the initial stage, and players create characters suitable for the srtarting seed. Then the gm introduces the first scene.
2) The player creates the charctere, and the gm build on it (standard Dw procedure).
But as I’ve sayed before: it’s just a handful of hints I find useful to remind to myself, for a one-shot game.
I wrote it especially for my friends who wanted to Gm, but were intimidated by the idea of taking the responsability of running several session, but still want to enjoy Gming for one night.
So, With my group we have in mind to change Gm every session (consider a session as an episode or chapter), but keeping the same Pc’s we still have a continuity.
I call it “chronicles”.