How about a brand new death move for #wizardweek written by Jacob Randolph for Grim World!
The Wizard: Dying Wish
You’ve known this spell for ages – the ultimate spell, which can rewrite reality however you see fit, at the tiny cost of your own life. It’s been burning in the back of your mind, ever since you found it wasting away in that moldy old tome, forgotten by time. But now there is no more time – not for you. It’s now or never. When you die, you cast your final, ultimate spell: Wish. Shout out your wish, but make it quick – you are dying, you know. The last thing you see before your body disintegrates into dust is reality twisting and thrashing to make your wish come true.
Couldn’t resist sharing that one! Jacob’s doing 30 additional death moves for the Grim World book. We’re super excited!
Color me happy!
Love this Kickstarter so much
I want to play again soon! Now if only my GM wasn’t so busy… lol
Perfect timing for Wizard week.
I too am pumped about this kickstarter. I am hoping the spellslinger can get a death move too, but I guess I can settle for 30 new ones instead of 31.
Looking forward to knocking down the next two stretch goals and seeing whats next.
Nice! I think this what was pushed me over the line. Any Aussies out there who want to split the difference on some international shipping for the physical books, let me know.