I know this is a long shot but does anyone have an itching desire to create character sheets for Dark Age of Camelot based classes?
The game is near and dear to my heart; plus the classes were pretty neat. Basically I’m being nostalgic about an MMO, terrible!
I’m working on the Champion right now but would love it if anyone else wanted to collaborate!
<3 for DAoC!
Never played, but I have some time to kill. Hit me up if you’re still working on it.
Thanks Matt Smith . Basically it has three realms, Hibernia (Iron Age Ireland), Albion (Middle Age England/Scotland) and Midgard (Da’ Norse!).
I’m trying to keep with the spirit of the classes as well as their realms. So, for instance, I’m working on the champion class, which is a melee class that has minor magic abilities to harry enemies, slow them down or just blast them with raw arcane magics.
I’m also keeping with the DW basics, so I’m keeping the races instead of using the game races, and keeping alignment. At least for now, unless complaints are thrown at the method.
I would be so happy if you could look over my first class when I’m done and see how you like it, see if it makes sense, etc… basically critique it.
If you want to try to make a class, by all means do so! Look up Dark Age of Camelot to get a feel of the classes.
I gotcha. Sounds pretty cool. How can I help?
Just had to drop in and say… DAoC… one of my favorite MMO’s ever. Loved it. I’m very interested to see what comes of this
by all means, start writing this thing!
I’m very partial to DAoC (it’s been my livelihood for years) but aren’t there too many classes to differentiate in such a light rules system as DW?
Sure, there are a bunch of classes that would likely fall into DW classes: Armsman, Warrior, Infiltrator, Healer, Cleric, Minstrel, Bard (sort of), Ranger, Hunter, Scout, Shadowblade (to an extent), Wizard, Runepriest, Warlock, Friar, Druid (really a nature cleric), Mercenary, Mauler, Savage (to an extent), Blademaster
There are other more unique ones as well: Animist, Cabalist, Thaumaturgist, Vale Walker, Spirit Master, Enchanter, Shaman, Bainshee, Vampiir, Heretic (evil cleric), Necromancer, Reaver, Warden, Bonedancer, Skald, Valkyrie.
I’m not trying to replace DW classes just have some fun.
Here is the beginning of the Champion:
My design theory with this class was to highlight it’s blend of magic and melee as per DAoC, toss in some Celtic lore, and incorporate the core purpose of the class in DAOC (beat up magic users).
Obviously it is unfinished but suggestions are welcome! I know the fonts are kind of wonky, but they look alright when zoomed in.
Matt Smith Hack it up!
Man I wanna be mean and ask when the player disenfranchising nerf happens.
Once the combat mechanics are altered and the savage can one shot you with a quad-hit. So next week maybe.
Ohh, the Animist could be fun to make… I have yet to make… well, anything for DW…
Hop to it! If you want to collaborate on the design let me know. I played an animist for quite some time!
Seems to me it would be silly to not at least poke at the races, even if it’s just mostly reskinning.
Mike Weem I liked the Druid Week submission you did, actually…
Yea true Matthew Everhart. I only kept the base races so a supplement didn’t have to be written to explain the races, lol.
If you want to write up descriptions of the odd races and post it that would be awesome.
huh? Huh?
First time for everything, eh? I’ll give it a go as I have spare time.
Matthew Everhart Oh man, I forgot about that, haha – thanks
Been way busy recently but I’m working on finishing the champion in a word file and starting the bonedancer!
Question: Instead of having “Races” or “Alignment” would specializations be interesting? Bonemending? Light? Suppression? Pole-arms?
Given that race is a minor mechanical part of DW, I’d rather see the different specs represented instead.
Going a bit slow, but I’m almost done with the Champion draft: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B87UAov6H0U9UUdMeEc2RkRnaFU/edit?usp=sharing