I have two questions concerning the Earthling’s advanced move, Faith in Mystic Power, from Adventures on Dungeon Planet. Johnstone Metzger perhaps you’d be the best one to ask:
1) When the PC chooses spells from the Wizard’s spellbook, do those spells become permanent and they can only prepare those spells until they gain a level and thus, a new spell (since they don’t have a spellbook to prepare from)?
2) It says PCs can choose spells of any level, including cantrips, but, when using the spell, treat themselves as a wizard of level 1 (increasing with each level); and, when preparing new spells, they can’t exceed caster’s level+1. So is it saying you can choose ANY spell (even a 9th level one), but you won’t be able to prepare it at level 2 and should go for something else? Or simply, you can’t choose that 9th level one since you can’t prepare it – you can only choose/prepare spells that don’t exceed your (in this case wizard/caster) level+1 – just like it’s done with the Wizard? Sorry if this second question sounds a bit silly, I’m just curious. I believe it’s the latter, right?
1. The lack of a spellbook is just colour. You can prepare an spell you know after you forget it. It’s like your spellbook is in your head, basically.
2. Technically you can choose a 9th level spell but then you wouldn’t be able to prepare it if you’re level 7 or lower. Since you can take this move at level 1, I wanted there to be SOME benefit to not taking it until later, hence 1 spell per level when you do take it, and being able to choose spells from any level is a) so you can take cantrips and b) so you can (for instance) take level 5 spells at level 4 and actually be able to use them, even if it’s just one at a time.
Alright cool, I get it. Thanks Johnstone Metzger !
P.S. We’re finally onto the 2nd session of the PbP I’m running, so look for a summary of the 1st in Actual Play sometime within the next few days if you’re interested.
Rider question.
The Mystic Guru upgrade to faith in mystic power says you can get an additional spell from any list. Is this just a flat, one free pick upgrade, or is it per level? Like, the second level you have Mystic Guru, do you pick two spells?
Just one spell. It’s pretty much the same as the Expanded Spellbook move.
Gotcha. The value is “any spell list.”