Heya, there’s a Shadowrun DW/(AW) reskin out there. Has anyone put together a straight Cyberpunk 2020/2070 hack yet?

Heya, there’s a Shadowrun DW/(AW) reskin out there. Has anyone put together a straight Cyberpunk 2020/2070 hack yet?

Heya, there’s a Shadowrun DW/(AW) reskin out there. Has anyone put together a straight Cyberpunk 2020/2070 hack yet?


8 thoughts on “Heya, there’s a Shadowrun DW/(AW) reskin out there. Has anyone put together a straight Cyberpunk 2020/2070 hack yet?”

  1. Interesting. It’s definitely leaning more on AW than DW (which I’d prefer; most of my Cyberpunk gaming looks more like the kind of play that DW brings, more than AW per se). Still, it’s got some good ideas.

  2. Play might reveal otherwise, but I kind of feel like you could just take the magic and fantasy races out of The Sixth World and it would work just fine as a Cyberpunk game.

  3. The vast majority of my cyberpunk gaming experience is through Shadowrun. The Sprawl was inspired by picking up a near-mint hardcover edition of the original SR rulebook at Endgame and started life as a Shadowrun hack of DW. However, early in the development process I realised that the things I loved and really wanted to include about Shadowrun were the cyberpunk aspects rather than the fantasy aspects. Once I realised that, I leaned much more heavily on cyberpunk literature (The Sprawl trilogy obviously, Hardwired, etc) for flavour and style, but the way the missions are structured and thus how it is designed to play are based on a traditional gaming-based style of cyberpunk. So you play out missions like Case’s actual run against Villa Straylight, or the background jobs that Turner talks about in Count Zero, more than the “here are characters in an environment surrounded by threats, go!” that Apocalypse World delivers. So for me, The Sprawl plays like Shadowrun, but without the magic.

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