14 thoughts on “Boom! Arrived today. Chuffed to bits.”
What is it?
It’s a Dungeon World supplement written by Jonathan Walton. It was part of the Kickstarter rewards (initially as a PDF, later as a chapbook). The extras that were printed are up for general sale on Jonathan’s website.
Thank you! I’m not expert here!
No problem. Always glad to share knowledge.
You know, now that you, Eadwin Tomlinson and I all have it, maybe I’ll run something in Dis for us.
Misha Polonsky sounds like a plan dude. We ought to get another hang out session going.
Isa Wills Definitely. Are we doing anything tomorrow? Does Eadwin Tomlinson want to run DCC or should I run DW or something else? We could take this conversation to another topic, btw, but hey – it’s still DW-related.
Hey – I’m trying to get it all ready but may not make it in time. I’ve got the maps done but I’m roll20 n00b.
Long story short…DW is fine by me
Sounds good. I’m up for running another adventure. Are Penda Tomlinson and Simon Burdett down to play as well?
As of right now, I’m comfortable with the 7:45/8 PM time slot on Tuesdays unless you guys want to shoot for even a tad earlier? That’s what it was for you all, right? 2:45/3 PM EDT on my end.
yes – I can make it earlier tomorrow but sometimes not….
Cool, maybe like 2:30 then?
I can make it tonight too.
I can only make it from 8pm with a hard cut-off at 12am. I can join you guys later if you want to start a little earlier.
What is it?
It’s a Dungeon World supplement written by Jonathan Walton. It was part of the Kickstarter rewards (initially as a PDF, later as a chapbook). The extras that were printed are up for general sale on Jonathan’s website.
Thank you! I’m not expert here!
No problem. Always glad to share knowledge.
You know, now that you, Eadwin Tomlinson and I all have it, maybe I’ll run something in Dis for us.
Misha Polonsky sounds like a plan dude. We ought to get another hang out session going.
Isa Wills Definitely. Are we doing anything tomorrow? Does Eadwin Tomlinson want to run DCC or should I run DW or something else? We could take this conversation to another topic, btw, but hey – it’s still DW-related.
Hey – I’m trying to get it all ready but may not make it in time. I’ve got the maps done but I’m roll20 n00b.
Long story short…DW is fine by me
Sounds good. I’m up for running another adventure. Are Penda Tomlinson and Simon Burdett down to play as well?
As of right now, I’m comfortable with the 7:45/8 PM time slot on Tuesdays unless you guys want to shoot for even a tad earlier? That’s what it was for you all, right? 2:45/3 PM EDT on my end.
yes – I can make it earlier tomorrow but sometimes not….
Cool, maybe like 2:30 then?
I can make it tonight too.
I can only make it from 8pm with a hard cut-off at 12am. I can join you guys later if you want to start a little earlier.