Would a were-creature as a playable race use something similar to the druid’s Shapeshifter move? My GM (hi Andy Kitkowski!) wants to run a Conan/Lankhmar sort of pulp thieves’ guild urban adventure. I was thinking a were-rat thief for my PC.
Would a were-creature as a playable race use something similar to the druid’s Shapeshifter move?
Would a were-creature as a playable race use something similar to the druid’s Shapeshifter move?
I made a were beast compendium class, if it helps. We’re currently testing it after the paladin got bit by a wererat.
I’ve got my eye on you, Bryant!
Here – don’t worry, it’s just the filename that’s in French
Thanks, Eric!
And don’t mind me, Andy. I’m just a harmless little mouse…
No worries. Let me know if you have any feedback!
Number Appearing might be useful for you: http://www.dungeon-world.com/the-kickstarter-treasure-trove/
Oh yeah, I should have mentioned that. It’s a good take on a werewolf class.
(Changed the sharing settings on my doc btw – it should be commentable by anyone now.)
Nice work Eric Nieudan.
Thank you to everyone for the swift and useful advice. I think I’ll use the “Number Appearing” version of lycanthropy for this specific character – though I’ll keep the “Le garou” write-up handy for an additional take on were-creatures when I’m GM’ing.
I asked this question a while back, and the thread was pretty englightening: https://plus.google.com/u/0/108496829748446482696/posts/jTfDVWmJFSN
Thanks, James. Great discussion. I’m using the “it’s a hereditary disease, and not transferable by bite” version of lycanthropy – which gives him some measure of form control most of the time. However, we’re still using the Banes system from Number Appearing, so that there will be times when I’ll were-out uncontrollably and fight/flight.
We played the opening session last night and I didn’t transform at all, relying on my class moves over my race abilities. I used his Discern Realities checks always with the idea that he could smell better than he could see.
Dude, while S…Semket? didn’t transform, that was THE BEST were-rat roleplaying I’ve ever seen. Great voice, great mannerisms. I really, really liked it. At one point the voice seemed to sound to drift towards “Hello Clarice…” Hannibal territory but you brought it back…
Not sure what your voice inspirations were? But that was some great character-acting, man.
Sounds like you guys had a great session! I like the idea of using Discern Realities for smelling. =)
Aw shucks
Skellar is a little Peter Lorre and a little Tracey Walter (the thief from Conan the Destroyer). He is a lot of fun to play, as he’s always fighting back the urge to either run away in self-preserving terror or lash out with daggers and teeth. I took low CHA and wanted to really play up that he’s an unpleasant little man (though good father to his many pups, er, kids)