If you were bound to the spirits of a city and could ask them any questions, what would those questions be?
If you were bound to the spirits of a city and could ask them any questions, what would those questions be?
If you were bound to the spirits of a city and could ask them any questions, what would those questions be?
What lies below?
Aren’t they just constantly talking in thousands voices? You don’t ask, you just try to listen in the right time to the right voice.
Where do you need me to be?
How many cities came before it?
Where in the city will someone serve me vodka after 2 AM?
How can I be free from my binding? Will you [to different city spirit] take over my bond?
Are you going Jack Hawksmoor on us?
“Who do I have to kill to get one of those sweet, rent-controlled lofts that everybody on TV seems to have?”
“How do I summon a city elemental? “
Can I has cheeseburger?
Depends on the city.
Where does it hurt?
Who thinks they are in control here?
How does the power flow?
What happened here in the before?
– Do you grow or decline?
– What would you change?
– Who here is detrimental to your survival?
– Do you wish to stay?
-Why is Nature at war with you?
-Do the beings that dwell here deserve your majesty?
-How do I protect against your corrupting influence?
What would make us both prosper?
How might I pass myself as a local, here?
What laws, written and unwritten, should I be aware of?
What’s the quickest way up to the rooftops? To the tunnels beneath the streets? To a crowd where I can lose my pursuers?
Hey, how’s it going?
Where the money at?
Johnstone Metzger “The bank”
Where can I find free parking?
-Show me the secret ways.
-What sickens ad corrupts you?
-Who abuses the true power of your secret heart?
-What sacrifice do you require?
-Where are the wealthy and powerful vulnerable within you?
-How might your spirit be set free?
-What do you want to destroy?
-How do I get to that which is most valuable to those that live within you?
-When will you rise to traverse the stone and soil again?
Does my true love live within your walls? If so, where?
– In what way are you not a tree?
– What walks the streets unseen?
– How do the separate divisions of inhabitants overlap and mingle?
– How is law upheld within the walls?
– What is the source of the most chaos and corruption inside?
– What changes in everyone who enters your gates?
p 66 – all is there.
Who here is really in charge?
What is the quickest path from here to there?
Besides the streets, what other networks can I traverse?Where can I hideout and likely be unnoticed by my enemies?
In which districts can I find this item?
What is this city’s greatest problem?
What is hidden beneath the streets?