I’m looking for a compelling elevator pitch for Dungeon World.  If there is a good one in the Kickstarter or the…

I’m looking for a compelling elevator pitch for Dungeon World.  If there is a good one in the Kickstarter or the…

I’m looking for a compelling elevator pitch for Dungeon World.  If there is a good one in the Kickstarter or the official site, I’m not seeing it.  “A game with modern rules and old-school style” is nifty, but “modern rules” doesn’t explain much.  This is for pitching to people at Games on Demand at Gen Con.  I’m looking for something in the 25-90 word range.  I can ramble on in person about what I love, but I’m having a hard time summarizing it.  I’m interested in any suggestions.

Here is what I currently have, but am not happy with:

“Original D&D meets modern narratively focused RPGs featuring fluid gameplay, cinematic combat, and intertwined characters and world.”

7 thoughts on “I’m looking for a compelling elevator pitch for Dungeon World.  If there is a good one in the Kickstarter or the…”

  1. That sounds pretty awesome to me.  Generally, the “big hits” about DW for con play are;

    – fast and fun character creation

    – characters start off with a history, easy to roleplay

    – snappy action, easy-to-learn rules

    – characters are familiar and comfortable, if you know D&D or PF or whatever, you know DW, too

    – never a dull moment, the rules push the game forward like crazy, you can get a lot done in 2 hours

  2. “We’re going to play a game that’s easy to pick up, sounds like Dungeons and Dragons, but we’ll be building the world around your characters together on the fly as we play.”

    “Also you’ll get XP when the dice roll and things go wrong, because things going wrong is awesome.”

  3. Thanks all! For anyone curious, here is what I submitted to be listed as the description. Upon reflection, I realized I may have been unclear; I used the phrase “elevator pitch” because that’s what Games on Demand’s organizer called it, but it’s really an event description.

    “The storm blew in suddenly and now things have gone from bad to worse. There will be pirates, chaos, and probably a shipwreck or two. Original D&D meets modern story focused play. Dungeon World features mechanics that constantly push the game forward, cinematic combat, and pulp action.”

  4. BTW, I know this is long past (and so is Geek.Kon), but the best pitch I ever heard for DW was “sword and sorcery done by Indiana Jones”. It’s an adventury sort of pulp fantasy.

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