I looked through the G+ but haven’t found any answer to a question we debated with Philip Espi at our usual tuesday DW session:
Choose a spell. You prepare that spell as if it were one level lower.
Is a 7th lvl spell prepared as a 6th lvl or as a 5th lvl (the next available lower level) ?
In other words do we understand “lower level” mathematically or literally ?
6th level. I’m pretty sure but I can’t produce a reliable source at the moment.
It’s a -1 to the level of the spell. Otherwise it’s both OP and can’t be applied to Level 1 spells.
One level lower. Just because there aren’t spells of every level in the book doesn’t mean they don’t exist!
oooh, I like this!
That is some shifty shit, Adam.
David Turner see also Constitution as HP.
Thank you Adam. I won the bet
This answer is useful to me too.