If two players were to drink a potion that gradually and increasingly bonds them over a long period of time, what interesting/clever advantages or changes would you suggest could occur over the duration of this bonding? This is not DW specific but just generally speaking.
If two players were to drink a potion that gradually and increasingly bonds them over a long period of time, what…
If two players were to drink a potion that gradually and increasingly bonds them over a long period of time, what…
When adventuring together they perform at a higher level by being with each other. However, apart they suffer by the same amount.
They are present for and can aid on each others last breath rolls. They can always find each other if seperated. They get 2 temporary HP when together.
You ask th equestion from a technical point of view or a scenaristical point of view. From a technical point of view, there was the “Esprit de Corp” rules in Godlike : Black Devil Brigades. As the previous posters told: let them share experience of good and bad things.
From a scenaristic point of view, whatever the bond is, you have to challenge that bond. If that bond means they want to be together (you were not precise about what the bond would be), separate them. It they want to share ideas and be similar, make them act/think different/opposite. If they want to trust each other, make them doubt. Etc.
Have fun.
I say no bonuses, only penalties for being apart.
Robert Neaves is an evil GM
They fall in love and get an extra bond.
On a 10+ Aid roll, the PC being aided gets +2.
Tomax & Xamot!
Robert Neaves Apart in what way? Rarely do groups split up in efforts to accomplish something. Do you mean apart as in distance within the same room?
Loris Gianadda Aid rolls are good, but I plan a lot of the bonding to affect outside of combat situations as well, especially skills and such. I am hoping that this will add a layer of roleplay, especially between the characters. As one may do something without an actual skill check, I may award some kind of outcome based on how they end up developing their characters together – not so much as a love bond, more of a bonding of characters.
Loris, what exactly do you mean by challenging the bond? “If they want to share idea, make them think differently.” Can you provide an example scenario? I believe it might be difficult for me to persuade how they think.
What’s a skill check?
Rather than an attack roll, you roll with your skill bonus [DnD]. I know this is DW but you guys always come up with some clever ideas that I could carry over. I focus more on RP than roll/combat anyhow.
They can share hit points. Wounds to one may be marked off of either.
Do they get to share a health pool, in that case?
The problem is that when we discuss fiction things we are discussing rules in a way. You can’t really compare this to how the fiction in dnd works.
That would be … Interesting. Especially the shared HP pool.
The whole concept would give the GM even more reason to make liberal use of the Separate them move.