Is anyone interested in a spontaneous DW hangout tonight 20:30 Europe time? Doesn’t have to be a game, could just be hanging out and talking.
Is anyone interested in a spontaneous DW hangout tonight 20:30 Europe time?
Is anyone interested in a spontaneous DW hangout tonight 20:30 Europe time?
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What is that in GMT?
Gmt-1 I think is my time zone (I am always funny with time zones) so 21:30 gmt?
I might be around for a while, if I’m done with work.
Same here. We’re not sure how late we’ll be working and I’m GMT-6!
So is anyone interested/coming?
I am gmt 6 as well, bout 2pm here stuck at work thou I would love to. Tim Franzke and I have vastly different approaches which provokes a lot of thou on my part at least
interesting, i would be really for discussing that.
Which part? For example how would you handle reach on a monster vs reach on a player? Are there grades of reach?
I have new thoughts about that but will post tomorrow
Sorry, I had to do some things and now I need to finish writing this short story. Hopefully some other time, with enough ppl to do a game!
Reach player with longer reach (rule of thumb)
– the monster has a shield or a good way to block the first few attacks, hackslash and on a 7-9 the monster advances to its reach
When the character has total superior fighting skills against the monster than its just deal damage
When you use your reach weapon to keep the monster away from you without really attacking it you can do it in most times or otherwise it’s some kind of defy danger.
When the monster has reach on the player the need to defy the danger to get close to it. A normal kobolds with a spear is just hackslash though.
Does that make sense? It’s more of a guideline then a concrete rule.
I handle different amounts of reach non mechanically by just following the fiction.
Yes. I will be there!