Has anyone had luck using DW resources on an iPhone? The PDF doesn’t play nicely with GoodReader due to its large margins, and the SRD site (http://book.dwgazetteer.com) also has issues on iOS. Specifically, the sub-headings on the menu can’t be clicked, so the text is inaccessible.
http://book.dwgazetteer.comHas anyone had luck using DW resources on an iPhone?
Has anyone had luck using DW resources on an iPhone?
How about the ePub?
Have you tried using the Adobe Reader app? I no longer have an iPhone to test with, but everything works fine on Android. Also, for the website have you tried a different browser? On Android I’m using Chrome and the book website works fine. Which one are you using?
Ibooks displays the PDFs fine, but the pages are tiny on an Iphone. Looks great on my Ipad though!
My DW PDF looks great on my iPad Goodreader. Not sure about iPhones though.
Hmm… The website is working on the iPad now, but not the iPhone. I tried using Chrome for iPhone and got the same result.
The last update broke the SRD completely for my mobile devices. The loss of the sidebar nav was annoying too.
The Gazetter is Jeffrey Fuller
Yup. I am aware if the issue. I’m planning on posting a fix tomorrow.
The site used to work on my iPhone with Chrome so it looks like the site has changed (like trying to add mobile and rolling 6-). I used to use the site just fine as recently as a week ago.
When you make a change to a website roll+Int. On a 10+ choose 1, on a 7-9 choose 2: * your users hate you * it doesn’t work * a competitor emerges using your old design
GoodReader has an AMAZING feature that allows you to specify how large the margins are and then it’ll zoom all pages in to compensate.
epub/mobi versions work perfectly on the iPhone.