Here’s a racial move I came up with for Halfling Necromancer one of my players wants to create in DW.

Here’s a racial move I came up with for Halfling Necromancer one of my players wants to create in DW.

Here’s a racial move I came up with for Halfling Necromancer one of my players wants to create in DW.

Innocent looks

When you try to pass for a Hafling of a different, more peaceful trade roll + Cha. On a 10+ choose 3. On a 7-9 choose 1.

You manage to come up with a story people believe

You don’t draw too much attention

You don’t raise suspisions

You manage to talk people into buying a couple of makeshift trinkets for 1d6 coins while at it

Feedback and grammar checks are welcome.


16 thoughts on “Here’s a racial move I came up with for Halfling Necromancer one of my players wants to create in DW.”

  1. Racial moves usually aren’t move moves but more passive or descriptive things. Why don’t you just let him auto succeed when not thoroughly searched.

  2. Tim Franzke Well, my idea was pretty simple – if you take a race/class combo like this your character will draw looks and a lot of them /in a more or less generic fantasy setting./ There’s also this little thing that he’s an escaped criminal hence double the amount of looks. Hence the roll.

    But I really missed the fact that racial moves are usually different than that. Will have to think about it, thanks. Anyways, if the player doesn’t like this one, we’ll try to cook something up together.

  3. Giovanni Lanza Thanks! Working on it right now. Got a question though. I feel that the Grim Reaper and and Black Arrows moves are a bit too strong. Take a level 7 Necromancer. He can have 8 souls bound to him, which would mean a whooping +8 to Hack and Slash AND Volley AND +8 to damage. It is balanced somewhat by the weight of the fetishes, but with bonuses like that a player can deal with -1 from Load+2 and he will probably invest into Strength. As far as carrying around his other stuff is concearned my future Necromancer is prepared to strike a deal with the party’s Barbarian, who will gladly become a beast of burden for extra loot. Am I reading something wrong?

  4. He needs to touch the souls to release them, so ergo he has to carry them. I made an updated version (I’ll see if I can’t get that uploaded, I’m actually using a different format for character sheets) that says max+3 for black arrows and grim reaper.

  5. Yeah, he carries the fetishes, but the Barbarian carries him everything else he has. 🙂

    Thanks for the input. I had the same idea to treat Soul as just another attribute modifier hence no more than a +3 bonus. 

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