What preconceptions are people forming about how the the inverse world works?

What preconceptions are people forming about how the the inverse world works?

What preconceptions are people forming about how the the inverse world works? how does uprain work? why don’t the islands fall down? how big is your average island? What is that cloudsea they’re always on about? Is there a day night cycle? Do the islands orbit sola? Are there standing water bodies in the inverse world and how do they exist?

4 thoughts on “What preconceptions are people forming about how the the inverse world works?”

  1. To start with I was all “Uprain? man IW physics is screwy!” then I found out the clouds throw it up really hard…. but given how wierd the physics is already( and that one of my players will enjoy the hell out explaining how it works) I think up rain falls up in my campaign 

  2. I don’t know if Uprain really is a plea from the cloud sea to other Gods on Sola’s behalf or not, but perhaps we’ll find out – when we play to find out what happens.

  3. I’m just making it all up as I go along. It’s different every time. I will say that my version of IW is more Legend of Korra than it is Avatar. My games are quite steampunky,  the magic bit is very downplayed and nobody has a bow anymore because someone invented gunpowder. 

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