When you deal damage, take 1 balance. When you touch someone and channel the spirits of life you may spend balance. For each balance spent, heal 1d4 HP.
really cool move. Do you get balance when you use an animal move to hurt/kill someone/-thing but don’t deal damage in the process?
Ask your player how they touch the balance, and exactly what the balance measures.
I like to imagine it like the flow of life force so yes, if you kill someone you dissipate life energy that can be later summoned back to heal someone else, so to speak..
The question is basically, are they talking about mechanical or fictional damage.
they are talking most certainly about mechanical damage, in my opinion. That of course doesn’t force you to keep it the same way
I’d think non-dice damage is still damage, but it’s workable either way.
Thank you Sage
Ask your druid about how balance can help restore your friend’s life energy, today.
The spirit of the move was an hp-for-hp transfer, but I think there’s some room to discuss and debate and figure out why this moves works how it works for any given druid.
I’d definitely say fictional damage (like using an animal power to kill or maim but not rolling dice for it) accrues balance.
Saying it’s only if you roll your damage dice to deplete hit points is frankly lame in my opinion.
Question for Druids: Can you use this move to perform (animal / human) sacrifice? If I’ve got 22 hp and you cut my throat, does that give you 22 balance to store up? At what cost to your soul? What bleak spirits do you whisper to, friend?